RAD 140 is a popular SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) that binds to the androgen receptor. The binding properties of this supplement give it similar effects to anabolic steroids, making it a favorite in the bodybuilding world.
Originally, RAD 140 and other SARMS were designed to treat patients that suffered from amenia, cachexia, and osteoporosis. These supplements’ benefits in building lean muscle made them wildly popular among powerlifters and other athletes.
Considered an alternative to anabolic steroids, RAD 140 was synthesized to mirror the most beneficial strengthening properties of the former. Despite the incredible muscle-building properties of anabolic steroids, their use is frowned upon because of the negative health effects associated with their use.
Anabolics are known to cause cardiovascular systems complications and have hepatic, estrogenic, and androgenic side effects. RAD 140 was widely considered a suitable alternative because of the lack of these negative risks and positive anabolic effects.
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What Does Testosterone RAD 140 Do?
RAD 140 is a fairly new offering in the world of athletic supplements, having just hit the market in 2010. Because of its relatively short time on the market, little is known about its long-term effects in comparison to other supplements.
We know that RAD140 is considered one of the strongest, if not the strongest SARM on the market. In recorded trials, individuals experienced over a 10% increase in lean body mass over 28 days.
Another trait RAD 140 shares with anabolics is the ability to promote fat loss while rapidly increasing muscle strength.
RAD 140 Side Effects (Testolone)
Despite being marketed as a safer alternative to anabolic steroids, RAD 140 has come under fire for its own negative side effects. Initially, this supplement showed positive results in clinical tests using rats.
However, as time went on, it was discovered that the trends in humans were much different, and RAD 140 side effects were significantly more severe in this regard. Some of the most prevalent RAD 140 side effects include the following:
Liver Toxicity
Even though RAD 140 is still young in age, there is sufficient evidence leaning toward its potential to cause hepatocellular-cholestatic drug-induced liver injury. The reason for this drug-induced liver injury is most likely the way RAD 140 is administered.
This supplement is only available in tablet form, which means it must bypass the liver to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, the organ is severely overworked, leading to liver damage.
Blood Pressure
RAD 140, and SARMS as a whole, have a negative effect on cholesterol levels. These supplements increase the risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Many users report a huge spike in blood pressure.
Again, this can be attributed to these drugs passing through the liver. This stimulates the hepatic lipase enzyme, leading to decreased levels of HDL cholesterol.
Unfortunately, this form of cholesterol is beneficial to the heart, and extremely high levels actually decrease the amount of plaque in the arteries.
Suppresses Testosterone Levels
Because of the strong binding effect with the androgen receptor, RAD 140 can actually lower testosterone levels, which is a similar characteristic of anabolics. How much or how little testosterone suppression takes place is unknown for lack of data and clinical studies. In some cases, supplementing with other items that produce high doses of testosterone can be effective.
HOWEVER, one RAD 140 side effect that is clear is that it can impact a user’s long-term fertility. This is most likely a direct effect of the decrease in levels of testosterone. Because of the potency of RAD 140 in comparison to other SARMs, its harmful effects seem to be more severe than its counterparts.
Gynecomastia and Water Retention
When RAD 140 is administered, it competes with the body’s natural testosterone binding to the androgen receptor. RAD 140 wins this battle because of its binding affinity. However, this leaves more free testosterone roaming throughout the body to convert to estrogen. Elevated estrogen levels lead to bloating and water retention.
Hair Loss and Prostate Issues
Testing in animals has shown that RAD 140 leads to potential prostate shrinkage. Additionally, incidents of hair loss have been reported, most likely because of the natural testosterone converting to DHT.
RAD 140 UK
The status of RAD 140 in the UK is currently somewhat of a controversial topic. Technically, RAD 140 is not illegal in the UK. Additionally, it’s not on any banned substance lists either. However, its use is prohibited by the WADA and other governing sports bodies.
The rules and regulations regarding the FSA are murky at best. By definition, RAD 140 is classified as a novel food.
The FSA defines novel foods as products with no significant history of consumption or has been produced by a method that wasn’t previously used for food. Just to give you a better idea of the defining criteria – CBS is also considered a superfood.
Numerous studies have been conducted showing the potential for RVA 140 for use as a supplement. Its abilities to create lean muscle are uncanny. What’s even more impressive is the minimal side effects (with the right administration). This potentially leaves the door open for RAD 140 UK medical use.
What about the before and after effects for RAD 140?
RAD 140 Before and After
RAD 140 is considered an effective SARM in most users. It’s preferred because it can be used during the bulking and cutting phases.
Other SARMs are infamous for claiming they produce big gains of lean muscle tissue – only to have the gains end up as bloat or water weight. Once the SARM is discontinued, the gains quickly fade back down.
However, RAD 140 users reported more solid and consistent gains. The lean muscle mass built during the bulking phases of this supplement was more permanent, which means users experienced a decent amount of weight loss with the muscle production.
RAD 140 already eliminates water retention, which means the increased muscle mass aids in eliminating calories, leading to higher levels of actual fat burning. Many new users are curious about the possible results of this supplement.
RAD 140 before and after results included gains of up to 15 pounds during each cycle. Before the size increase was achieved, they noticed a significant increase in strength.
However, to continue this progress, it’s recommended that users go through post-cycle therapy with a quality product. If not, they stand to lose pretty much all of the gains they achieved.
Recently, several Testolone Rad 140 alternatives have been available to hit the market that provides similar benefits.
Legal / Over the Counter Alternative to RAD-140: RadBulk
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RAD-140 Alternative
RadBulk is a tested and certified legal and safe alternative to Testolone RAD 140. It’s formulated with strictly all-natural ingredients that are much safer for consumption than the latter.
Manufacturers claim that it’s just as effective in promoting muscle growth and shedding fat as RAD 140, which is a pretty bold claim. The website claims it improves the metabolism rate and helps maintain your body’s fat content.
It also claims it promotes lean gains and enhances vascularity to aid in oxygen delivery to the muscles. Forgive us for not being as excited initially, as every new fat burner or muscle enhancer is the best to hit the market. However, RadBulk has managed to maintain its position by producing some pretty impressive results.
So how exactly does it work?
RadBulk works both ways, allowing you to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously. When it’s first consumed, it causes the loss of body fat content. This gives you a quick initial burst of energy and strength to kickstart the growth of muscle tissues without dangerous side effects.
Manufacturers claim this burst promotes the creation of Acetylcholine, which helps improve cognitive functions and concentration. Additionally, this supplement has natural anti-inflammatories, leading to faster recovery times after intense workouts.
Some of the primary ingredients include:
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is important for converting body fat into energy.
- Choline bitartrate is a commonly used ingredient in modern nootropics. When it’s combined with Bitartrate salt, it’s known to improve mental focus.
- Wild yam root powder is another addition to RadBulk. This substance is strong enough to stimulate two anabolic hormones in the body. These two hormones increase muscle retention and lead to quicker metabolism.
- Dimethylaminoethanol is an organic amino acid compound. It’s created naturally by the human brain. Many athletes have started adding it as part of their routine for increased stamina and mental focus.
The bottom line is RadBulk seems to be effective after just a week or two. However, it’s more effective after continuous use. The longer you keep it as a part of your regimen, the more stamina you develop, allowing you to increase the intensity of your workouts.
Our verdict: RadBulk is effective, especially with the right dedication, hard work, and intensity. The ingredients continued in this supplement definitely promote lean muscle growth and make cutting much easier.
Most importantly, it delivers all of these with the absence of any dangerous side effects. With the right post-cycle option, RadBulk is a great way to bulk up or cut and maintain new lean muscle in a more efficient way than similar products that promise the same.
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RAD-140 Alternative